While various road traffic accidents happen daily, proving liability for an incident is often complicated. Whether the accident is caused by one person or the actions of two or even more parties, someone rarely wants to take responsibility entirely. Especially when it’s not only about the property damage but injuries too. However, legal experts note – if you happened to experience the incident and think that it wasn’t entirely your fault, you might have grounds for a road traffic injury claim.
Road Traffic Injuries You Can Claim Compensation For
Traffic incidents are always stressful and often complex. Thus, the first step should be contacting legal experts for initial advice. Experienced legal experts specialising in injury claims will assess the situation and whether a compensation claim could be successful. If the English language isn’t your mother tongue, it’s wise to contact a lawyer in the UK who can provide services in your preferred language (e. g., advokat UK). This way, there’s way less stress and fear of misunderstandings.
As there’s no identical case, it all depends on the circumstances. There are various injuries caused by road traffic accidents – when driving cars, vans, riding motorcycles or bicycles, or simply being a pedestrian. Everyone involved might benefit from professional legal advice despite the injury (minor or severe).
The Amount of Compensation – How it’s Determined?
Compensation often covers medical costs, property damage, and travel expenses (depending on specific circumstances) when the court decision is in favour. Also, ones can get compensation for experienced distress and upheaval. Let alone the financial losses when there’s a temporary or long-term inability to work and maintain a usual lifestyle. Even though it’s possible to claim compensation for the incidents within the last three years, legal experts recommend contacting them promptly.
How to Begin a Compensation Claim?
As you might’ve already understood, rather than seeking the answers online or asking for friends’ advice, contact a law firm as soon as possible. Experienced lawyers assess specific circumstances and advice on the first steps and processes. Sometimes, especially when more parties are involved, it’s hard to anticipate whether there’s a valid claim. Still, certain criteria indicate it:
- The incident happened within the last three years
- There’s someone else to blame for it
- Road traffic incident resulted in injury
If the answer to all those questions is yes, then, likely, there’s a solid ground for a successful claim. Once again, the exact amount always depends on specific circumstances.
The primary road traffic incident victim’s task is to find a trustworthy law firm that gathers highly experienced specialists. Experts can provide professional consultation in different languages and lead clients through unpleasant processes. Some law firms operate on the so-called “no win, no fee” basis, meaning that fees are applied only if the case is successful.